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Welcome to my little spot on the world wide web, a place that I hope to let you into my world behind the lens. I have fallen head over heels in love with photography. I see it everywhere I go. My mind is always swirling and taking notes. It has become part of who I am. I want to make time stop through my images. Capture the things we just might otherwise forget.

November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I write this quick note of Thanksgiving while cozied up in my PJ's. Who can stay in their regular clothes after a day of feasting? Can we say over eat? Oh so yummy though!

I have so very many things to be thankful for and it is always nice to slow down and really take it in. I think as I get older I realize more and more what truly matters and how fortunate I am.
We made a cute little turkey to sit among us this year. The kids cut out the feathers and handed them out to everyone. We wrote a small message of what we were thankful for on the feathers and stuffed our turkey. The small feather could not possibly hold it all...

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

November 19, 2010

Blogging absence

Yes, I am very overdue on my blogging. I have been busy putting out fires...

Ha. Not really, I am just in the "heat" of Holiday season (ok, enough of the tacky word usage). I am trying to put all my time into taking care of my clients. I will be back to share lots of images with all the great families I have been spending time with soon!

November 4, 2010

Early bird gets the worm - {Lawrence, Kansas family photographer}

I got a phone call from this family in April to schedule their fall photo session. Yep, folks April. A planner and a smart woman to say the least! October is hands down my busiest month. November follows suit but October wins at the most requests. As the leaves were just blooming outside I reached in my brain to try and remember what week is usually "peak" for the fall color. I think we nailed it. The color this fall has been a little more sporadic since we have had the warmer weather, but still beautiful.

Thanks so much for driving over to me (all the way from Missiouri) and being a planner. You make up for those of us who aren't!

such torture to be so close to his sister.

The sunlight that was beaming through the leaves was awesome!
This has a totally different feel because of it.
Sometimes this is only something we photographers drool at.
Oh, if you could have heard the deliberation over this shot.

Having just celebrated an anniversary we took some time for some photos of just them.
You were great!
Smile dial and all.

There may or may not have been some grabbing going on behind the scenes.
I love it when families loosen up and have a little fun.

Meredith you are a natural in front of the camera.
You are beautiful and so is your family!
Thanks so much for letting me capture it.