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Welcome to my little spot on the world wide web, a place that I hope to let you into my world behind the lens. I have fallen head over heels in love with photography. I see it everywhere I go. My mind is always swirling and taking notes. It has become part of who I am. I want to make time stop through my images. Capture the things we just might otherwise forget.

January 22, 2010

towers and horses

A frequently asked question I get when referring to my husband, Derek, is "what does he do?" This gets asked so often because he works from home and most days can be found in his casual t-shirt and shorts. Just a year ago we transformed our dining room to an office to better accommodate him. {He was growing tired of sharing his office with our guests} I would say he enjoys this set-up most of the time... but as you can imagine, it isn't the quietest of environments, as I am home with our two youngest. Our kids have no idea how fortunate and rare it is that there daddy is here almost everyday. Don't get me wrong though, there are times we are both a little relieved to see a short business trip on the schedule.

Well, anyway, this is what he does.
He works for SBA Communications. I can't tell you a whole lot more because they speak a different language than I do. Simply put, he tries to find the need/space to build new towers for his company. Like I said, much more to it than that but that is as good as I can do.

His company sent out an email a few weeks ago that they were going to hold a photo contest for a picture to go on their annual report. Of course my ears perked up. Contest. Photography. Fun, you are in! Well, truth be told, towers aren't very pretty and aren't really that easy to get creative with. Especially in the middle of Kansas winter. We didn't have the best weather during the time frame given to do this. Freezing, snow, fog! But we went for it anyway. We loaded up the girls last weekend and drove out to see a couple of his towers that were close to home. Bad news, it was so darn foggy you could hardly even find those huge eye sores. I was really hoping for a cool silhouette picture at sunset. No such luck.

We got this one in my hometown, it wasn't foggy but freezing cold out. Not that you can tell. Pretty representative of a typical tower out in Kansas though.
Trying to get a creative view
These next ones are what we got on that foggy Saturday afternoon last week. Much to my excitement as we pulled up to the gate of the tower I saw some horses in the field. I got out to unlock the gate and they were not shy at all. In fact what started at two horses quickly turned into about 15 horses... running towards me. Feed truck, nope sorry, we are just here for the tower. Country girl I am not, so I will admit I wasn't sure how to react.
But what they did next cracked me up. The pretty much started attacking our suburban. Licking it all over. My assumption is all the salt that is on the truck from the roads. We were a huge salt lick for them. To say the girls liked this would be an understatement. {We get asked for horse all the time.} Sitting in the car was funny as huge horse tongues are working up and down all the windows. We did end up getting kicked (the truck that is) and have teeth marks on our front hood. Derek didn't find it as entertaining as we girls did.

Like I said, the girls thought it was great!

Bye horses, thanks for upstaging the tower!


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