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Welcome to my little spot on the world wide web, a place that I hope to let you into my world behind the lens. I have fallen head over heels in love with photography. I see it everywhere I go. My mind is always swirling and taking notes. It has become part of who I am. I want to make time stop through my images. Capture the things we just might otherwise forget.

September 12, 2010

Baby Violet - {Lawrence, KS infant photographer}

While we were in Colorado last week I had an inquiry come in from my website with a request to set-up a photo session and as I read it my heart sank. It was not the normal "we would like to get some family photos done" request. It was, we don't know how much longer we have with our little girl and we would like to take the opportunity now to get some photos taken of her.

Violet was born in late April with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). This wasn't anything that was known prior to birth but it was discovered shortly after she was born. (you can read more about their journey on her care pages - click here - ) They had been doing chemo but just last week made some huge decisions to stop. Go home. Enjoy every moment with their sweet baby...at home.

This is a excerpt from their care pages:
Yesterday, Justin and I brought Violet home for good. We met with the doctors again, and the blast cells in her bone marrow are filled with disease and a transplant will no longer be an option. Dr. Manalang explained that she would do whatever we wanted to do and if we wanted to keep going, she would, however she did not believe the leukemia would go away. She said if we continued with another round of chemotherapy, Violet would get really sick (possibly end up in the PICU) and at the end of the day, the leukemia would still be there. So they told us to go home, think about what we want to do, and we would see her in clinic on Wednesday.
After a lot of tears, Justin and I have decided we will no longer put our daughter though this pain. It would be completely selfish of us to continue. Dr. Manalang could not give us an exact time, but said Violet has more than a month and less than a year left. Either way, we will enjoy every minute we have left with Violet and we will make sure she knows how much she is loved. We may even go on a family vacation somewhere.
This is not us giving up. This is giving Violet the best life for her. We will continue to pray for a miracle! We will continue to go to clinic and receive small doses of chemotherapy to prolong life as much as we can. There is also oral chemotherapy we can give her. We will know more about that when we meet with Dr. Manalang on Wednesday.
Violet has completely changed our lives. She has taught us so much about love, life, family, hope, faith, and living! She is the strongest person we know, she is our little hero! I only hope and pray we can be as pure and simple as she is.

We set something up as quick as possible and I was beyond honored to meet Violet and spend some time with them this past week. It wasa dreary evening and Violet was coming off a rough day but we still managed to get some happy smiles from her. Amy had gotten her an adorable tutu and so we started there...

She thinks her mom and dad are pretty funny.

Having just met them I do have to say she looks like her daddy (minus the flower)
She was getting sleepy, pretty normal,
being a model is tough stuff.

Still a smile over dad's shoulder.
She did fall asleep but we went ahead and changed her clothes and attempted a few more. Sorry, Violet, I snuck one in of you getting changed.
She pretty much slept the rest of the time and we were all fine with it.
Nothing as sweet as sleeping babies.
love me some toes

She was all about her paci,
heck it even matched her outfit.
totally conked out

so, so sweet.

Violet knows love. She is surrounded by it. She has impacted every life she has come in contact with and I have no doubt hundreds more who have never met her. I know she has impacted mine. Hearts are forever changed by this tiny little innocent bundle.

I put together a short slideshow of some of the other images from the evening. (Please scroll to the bottom of my page to shut off my music so you don't have dual music going). I love this song by Mindy Gledhill . (click to go to her site)
It is from her Anchor album.


Allyson C. said...

she is like a little slice of heaven. what a special gift you have given this family, and what a gift they have given all of us through these photos and their story in return.

Renee and Bruce Kirkendall said...

Thank you so much for sharing these on your website. We are Amy's God parents back in Michigan. We are so looking forward to meeting Violet next week. The pictures are wonderful!

Melissa Murphy Polson said...

You did such a wonderful job of capturing the essence of their family!! They are truly amazing!! The love and smiles that surrounds them is contagious and make us all want to strive to be better people. Thank you for showing everyone what an inspirational and amazing family they are, we love them with all our heart, all our soul, forever and ever!!

Shannon Parker said...

Thank you for capturing their love so completely. These images will forever be treasured and cherished.

Cluster of Sparrows said...

Thank you to you, Amy, and thank you to mom and dad and Violet. I am changed for reading this incredible story and seeing true love in your pictures. God bless all of you!

emily anderson said...

beautiful job, amy.

Amy Rinke said...

Thank you for allowing Amy, Justin and Violet to share their family with us through your photography. You did an incredible job showing just what a special family they are. Beautiful!!!! Amy Rinke

Laurie Scott said...

Amy, I think ALL of us have been touched by Violet and her parents. You have given them some wonderful memories and TOTALLY captured the love they have for their darling little girl!! And the slideshow with the music is PERFECT! I can't stop talking about it!

Amy said...

Thanks everyone. Yes, their love is very evident and I am so glad that you are able to see it through the images. One very special family!

Lynel Willis said...

Just precious. This really touched us as we had this done with Haley as we didn't know how long we had with her...the photographer did a wonderful job like you, and it's so important to capture those special images. Now, Haley is 7 and our true miracle from the Lord...she loves going back to see her "special pictures." We will definitely have this family in our hearts and prayers.

journalistdale said...

You loved your baby for a life time. Well done, good and faithful servants. Your God has blessed your marriage in so many ways. You are complete, and so now, rest in the faith of Jesus Christ. I believe He holds her safe for eternity. Amen. Dale, who is a friend of Torrie's

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